Asset Inventory Form 2
Note: The role of the logged-in user must have access to the Asset Inventory feature in order to perform an asset inventory count in the IntelliTrack Mobile application.
With Form 2, you may perform the asset inventory on new and existing assets by counting the asset-location one at a time. The steps below outline how to perform an asset inventory count with Form 2. Inventory-Assets Form 2 is set at the User Preferences form; see "Asset Inventory" for more information.
- Select Inventory > Assets from the Main form.
- The Inventory - Assets form appears.
- The default site of the logged-in user is automatically displayed in the site field along the top of the form. An asset inventory may be performed for a location at this site. If the logged-in user has access to another site, it will be available in the site drop-down list and may be selected.
- To perform an asset inventory count for a location at the selected site, enter a valid location in the Location field.
- Enter the asset in the Asset # field.
- If the asset number is not found, a dialog appears: Asset not found. Add new?
- Select Yes to create a new asset. The Add Asset form appears.
- The asset number is automatically displayed in the Asset# field.
- Add the item to which this asset is added to. You must add the asset to an asset item. This item must already be contained in IntelliTrack.
- If the asset item uses RFID, an RFD tag number field appears. Optionally, you may enter an RFID tag number for the asset in this field.
- Click the Save icon to create the asset, add it to asset inventory, and close the Add Asset form.
- You are returned to the Inventory - Assets form. It is ready to perform another asset inventory.